【The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Christopher Dearnley Barry Rose - Directors】Search results for
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/The English Brass Ensemble1、Lo! he comes with clouds descending
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose2、When morning gilds the skies (Laudes Domini)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose3、Love divine, all loves excelling
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose4、Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (St. Fulbert)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose5、Jesus lives! thy terrors now (St. Albinus)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose6、Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose7、The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St. Clement)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose8、O worship the King
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose9、O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose10、Credo from the 'Mass in G minor'
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose11、All things bright and beautiful
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Barry Rose12、Silent night, holy night
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Christopher Dearnley Barry Rose - Directors13、How lovely are the messengers (St. Paul)
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Christopher Dearnley Barry Rose Directors14、My soul, there is a country
- The Choir of St. Pauls Cathedral/Christopher Dearnley Barry Rose - Directors15、O Lord, make Thy servant Elizabeth